Monday, October 20, 2008

Oh, the humanity! - Adventures of a Obamavenger

Recently I've subjected myself to the dregs of humanity who spew the most hateful and outrageous lies about Barack Obama. I regularly get comments about Obama such as he "wants to take my guns" or he's a "Muslim supported by terrorists", a "baby killer", and the "anti-christ". Where do I find such filth, and better yet, why do I even bother with such uninformed idiots? My hometown newspaper's website recently added a comment system so users can add their thoughts to articles that appear in their online edition. As to why, I post there to make sure their right-wing propaganda does not go unanswered in case a casual reader believes the lies. So far, I've been attacked, called names, and lied about by the regular commenters there, and by what I suspect is many of their duplicate accounts. This is not surprising since the things they believe are so far 'out there', it's no wonder that their tactics would be just as extreme.

I won't stress anyone with any of the more disgusting attacks on Obama and my responses, but here's the latest post that frequent contributor "TheDude" posted to hijack an article to promote his delusional wingnut views.

The article was about getting ready to vote on November 4th. (I won't post the links to the website where my ongoing struggle with these people is taking place. I don't think it's right that anyone else gets involved because of my blog, and believe me, you don't want to deal with these asstards!)

The first comment on the article is from username "TheDude":

John McCain and Sarah Palin are TRUE Americans with the back-up to prove it. They don't associate with known extremists, terrorists, and corrupt lobbyists and individuals. I believe they will lead our country out of economic troubles and move us forward in cleaning up our environment, keeping us safe, and helping the U.S. become a self-sufficient, clean energy nation. Your gut ought to tell you that somethin' ain't right with the Obama, Biden ticket.

His buddy (or duplicate account) "TLS" chimed in the next day around the same time as the first comment.

ASE must not have seen this comment yet, or he surely would have attacked you :) For the record though, I agree with you 100 %!

TLS is referring to me ASE = AllSeeingEye

"TheDude" replied a few hours later:

You may be right, TLS ... or he's drumming up a comeback right now, or I have no credibility again and he is not gonna waste his time. DOH!

I'm sick of dealing with this punk from past conversations, but I had told him this election is not about him or me, it's about the issues. So, I posted the following:

First, just because someone has a different point of view than you do, it doesn't mean they're un-American. That is nothing but fear-mongering, and the Republicans are rolling out this disgusting tactic just in time to try to steal an election by scaring people into voting for them. Yes, they're that desperate to distract you from the fact that McCain has no clear vision or plan for the future of this country other than more of the same failed Bush policies.

"They don't associate with known extremists, terrorists, and corrupt lobbyists and individuals." ?

John McCain's associations:
Rod Parsley - extremist
John Hagee - extremist
Michelle Bachman - extremist (Claims liberals in congress should be investigated for being "anti-American")
Richard Quinn - extremist (white supremacist)
La Raza - extremists
The U.S. Council for World Freedom - extremists
Charles Keating - conviced felon (McCain was one of the "Keating 5")
G. Gordon Liddy - convicted felon (Watergate) and extremist
Campaign manager Rick Davis - lobbyist
Chief political adviser Charles R. Black Jr. - lobbyist
Senior foreign policy adviser Randy Scheunemann - lobbyist
Senior advisers Steve Schmidt and Mark McKinnon - lobbyists
Fund raiser Tom Loeffler - lobbyist
Economic adviser Nancy Pfotenhauer - lobbyist
Congressional liaison John Green - lobbyist
National finance Co-chairman Wayne Berman - lobbyist
RNC's liaison to the McCain campaign Frank Donatelli - lobbyist

Sarah Palin's associations:
Alaskan Independence Party - extremists (wants Alaska to secede from the USA - Palin sent them video messages as governor saying "keep up the good work!")
Todd Palin - extremist (former member of AIP)
Thomas Muthee - extremist (Sarah Palin's pastor who boasts of hunting witches)
Ted Stevens - indicted Alaskan Senator

When people attack Obama for his associations while denying McCain and Palin's, it is the height of hypocrisy! I don't have to attack, I just point out the truth.

I know I'll just get flamed again, but I can't let their obvious lies and hypocrisy go unchallenged! There have been a few other people who post occasionally there in support of Obama, and I even got a message today from a nice lady thanking me for standing up for Obama. However, the McCain/Palin supporters are always the most ignorant, hateful and despicable people I've ever heard and their views (if they actually believe them) are simply not based in reality. Until people wake the fuck up or just stop using fear, hate and lies to form their opinions I will continue to post there as a Obamavenger™!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Living in a red state and I'm ashamed to say, racist state, certain people will not open their minds and eyes to see the character of Obama and the good sense polices he stands for. I am a white alabamian, proud and happy he is our elect President. We will see change for the better. Open your eyes Republicans, racist. United we stand, divided we fall. Quit being children and do what is right and good for our country. Have faith, hope and love. We will prosper and grow with positive behavior, and you will be a happier person. Try it out!