Thursday, October 16, 2008

Meet "Joe the Plumber"

In the final presidential debate last night, John McCain threw a citizen into the spotlight when he mentioned "Joe the Plumber" - a real person who recently met Obama and asked him why his proposed tax plan would keep him from buying a company.

Here is the video of that meeting:

Obama deserves credit for being honest with the guy when he told him if he makes over 250K his taxes will increase. He could have pandered to him, but he didn't. He outlined his plan and how it will actually benefit him. Now that is some "straight talk" if I've ever heard it.

For the record, I'd like to mention that when Obama told Joe he'd "spread the wealth around" - Obama means he'll take the tax burden off the middle-class by getting rid of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans (that McCain initially opposed but later voted for). That is his plan, not any new revolutionary socialist ideal.

McCain must have heard something different from that meeting since he brought up Joe so many times in the debate. I think he wanted to make it seem like poor Joe won't be helped by Obama's plan that he wanted to paint as socialist.

But who is this guy and which plan will really benefit him more? Let's Meet "Joe the Plumber" shall we?

From the reporting that's come out just this morning I've learned the following:

• His real name is Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (No wonder they just use "Joe") and he's from Toledo, Ohio.

• His name was misspelled in the Ohio voter registration database. This is one reason people worry about voter disenfranchisement with the purging of voter rolls since they are such a mess to begin with.

• He says he has no plumbing license and doesn't need one because he works for someone else.

• He is a registered Republican and McCain supporter and not undecided.

• Joe currently does not make more than 250K a year, so Obama's tax plan will actually benefit him now. As Obama points out, that means it will be easier for him to save to better afford to buy that company.

• If he does buy that business and makes more than 250K a year his taxes will increase by only 3% back to the level it was under Clinton. On health care, the company will still be classified as a small business and he'll get a 50% tax cut for his employees' health benefits. How does this keep him from buying that business? McCain will tax health care benefits for the first time ever.

• There is also evidence out there that Joe owes back taxes. Why does he care about tax plans when he doesn't pay his taxes?

• Last night he was interviewed by CBS and compared Obama to Sammy Davis Jr. with his supposed 'tap-dancing around the issues'. Not only was this subtly racist, he was obviously not watching the same debate that I saw. Obama had specifics on every issue and answered the questions in an intelligent and thoughtful manner. He plainly set the record straight with facts.

• Joe has been parroting McCain talking points in TV interviews.

• He believes, like McCain, that social security should be privatized. An idea that would have been disastrous if in place during our recent financial crisis.

• Also, it appears from one report that Joe may be related to none-other than Charles Keating! I think Joe's bias is showing.

Joe may love him some McCain, but I'll bet he's pissed now that he's in the center of a media circus and we're learning just who "Joe the Plumber" really is.

Here's a guy who basically came up to Obama and asked 'why should I vote for you if you're going to raise my taxes?' Obama didn't pander to him - he was honest when he told him that if he makes over 250K a year his taxes will go up 3% - to the same it was under Clinton. Even when he knew that Joe disagrees with him, Obama engaged him and outlined his ideas with details about how his health care plan will actually benefit him if he buys that company He also explains that if his policies had already been in place, it would be easier for Joe to save to afford to buy that company.

Isn't this exactly what we need right now in our President? Someone who is not afraid to tell the truth to a potential voter when his answer may not benefit them. Someone who will listen to and talk to those who may disagree with his point of view. Someone who speaks in specifics not generalities, and has common sense plans for our economy. Not someone, "that one".

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