That's right the Republicans are leading a revolution...against themselves! In John McCain's acceptance speech at the RNC last night he promised the crowd that "Change is Coming." Change from what? The guy they refuse to even mention who he's voted with 90% of the time! They are admitting things aren't great for Americans and the country needs a new direction. They want you to forget that it was Republicans that have set the economic policy that has put this country in the worst shape in decades. They want you to forget their entire record and buy into the idea that the people who got us into this mess are the best choice for change to turn things around. Only your blind base of sheeple are buying this bullshit!
You can't just say you're for change when you have such a long record in the congress of voting for the policies that we so desperately need change from! Sorry, but people can't be THIS stupid! During McSame's speech and the entire convention they barely mention the economy and give absolutely no new ideas - just more of the same. Empty rhetoric and slogans might have worked in the past, but now people are upset about the state of our country and - unfortunately for you McCain - they are paying attention. You gave no specifics in your speech, and many of the things you say you'll get done you've actually voted against in the past. So now you're going to bring "change" huh? I don't buy it and I don't think the American voters will buy it - not when the stakes are so high.
I know how they're going to try to sell this crap. They'll say it's all the Dems fault because they've controlled both houses of congress for the past two years. Well, guess what - in case you think Americans have forgotten - Republicans have controlled the white house for the past eight years and they've controlled congress for 12 out of the past 14 years! They are the ones who have destroyed our economy, lied us into a war that's cost thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq, done absolutely nothing to help us gain energy independence and set back our constitutional rights more than any other time in the history of our country. This is their mess, and if we give them another four years, do you really think anything will change? Nope. They have to sell us on this marketing campaign because they have no new ideas - only a good story and a tabloid/reality TV VP candidate (who is unbelievably unqualified), and an opponent who has real ideas and specific plans to reverse the losing direction the Republicans have set for us all.
So after hearing all the empty rhetoric, lies and hate that spew out of the RNC compared to the real specific ideas to truly change the lives of Americans for the better, I think the choice is clear, and any rational thinking person will agree. I guess that's not who they're going after. They want brain-dead morons who think personality is more important than ideas and judgment. They want you to believe the can change themselves. Talk is cheap so answer me this question Republicans. How? Your record shows you are the same as Bush, so until you give the specifics of your new ideas (which don't exist) I have to assume you'll be just more of the same.
I didn't hear any answers from McBush and don't expect to. They think an advertising campaign can win so that's what they're going with - not real answers to the American people's plight. It's a cynical and insulting way to run a presidential campaign, and if you're buying it - you're either a partisan sheep or you're just not paying attention to the issues.
Updated with video. Watch Tom Ridge's Freudian slip in reference to McCain calling him "John Bush". Even he knows they offer just more of the same...
1 comment:
Viva la Revelation!
John McSame say no more!!!!
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