All I'm hearing from the slimy bastards speaking at the RNC tonight is Surge! Surge! Surge! and the outrageous lie that Obama would rather lose a war than lose an election...surrender surrender surrender. This is the same BS they've been saying ever since the Dems got the backbone to stand up to the Bush admin and their illegal occupation of Iraq.
Guess what asshats - the surge was no more than the escalation of the failed policies of the Bush admin who lied us into a war of choice (that has actually made us less safe) which they then disastrously mismanaged! As Obama admitted tonight to O'rly (who gushed that Obama is "tough" and "not a wimpy guy" - thanks papa bear!) - yes, there has been success in reducing the violence in Iraq but the fact remains that the Iraqi government has not stepped up politically or militarily to do what's necessary to secure and run their own country! We have not won in Iraq until Iraqis control their own country and our troops are home - and McCain has no intentions of doing that. Even Bush has come around to Obama's plan for timetables for our redeployment from Iraq (probably to try to salvage his historic failure of a Presidency). McCain basically has no plan other than staying the course, unless you claim speeches and slogans are a plan. If we hear any kind of realistic and specific plan from McCain tonight in his acceptance speech other than "surge", I'll be amazed! We already know they won't mention the economy...this is all they got?
Some "change" McCain pretends to represent. More of the same tired rhetoric and lies that basically says "If you're not with us, you're against us". How do you think that plays to the 65% of Americans who currently oppose the war in Iraq? We've heard it all before and are sick and tired of this insulting and divisive kind of politics (why do you think Obama is such a big "celebrity") All you've got now is your base, so you might as well continue pandering to them. Carry on!
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