Just tone it down! That's all we ask. No more attempts to paint people with different political beliefs as your enemy, or un-American, or a tyrant, or a foreigner, or a terrorist, or a racist, or a nazi, or any of the other inflammatory lies you use to rile people up to get votes from nothing but invented fears. And while you're at it, stop it with the violent rhetoric such as 'reload' or 'take aim' or '2nd amendment solutions' and all the completely inappropriate gun imagery (like crosshairs) that is clearly just plain wrong, especially after the tragic shooting in Arizona. No specific instance may be directly responsible for that particular crazy person's violent actions, but there are plenty of other crazies out there who certainly don't need any motivation to act out violently based on irrational hatred.
Fox news and most 'conservatives' are doing everything they can to justify their over-the-top rhetoric with zero accountability or acknowledgment of wrongdoing. The reason for this is simply that they must continue to use inflammatory rhetoric because that's all that really works for them on election day. Those are the despicable tactics used only by those who can't win their argument reasonably, logically or factually and is in direct opposition to the noble belief in civil discourse that is essential to our democracy.
We're not trying to tell you what to do or infringe on your rights or whatever your first knee-jerk reaction to this request may be. We are standing up for what is right, fair and reasonable. So, right-wingers, I offer this challenge. Just tone it down and argue your politics based on civility and a respect for the truth. It's what America is suppose to be all about and what makes us so great in case you've forgotten. If you believe so strongly in your cause then is it really necessary to try to scare people with lies? Politics and life in general in our society should be more civil and respectful for a change. Is that too much to ask?
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