Any thinking person can plainly see that Joe Biden won this debate, and here's why. He had intelligent and informed answers for all the questions with specific details that made sense. It's as simple as that.
Sara Palin had an obvious strategy for this debate: If she didn't know the answer, she went right to a prepared speech. This didn't work in the few interviews she's given so far because the interviewer could ask more follow-ups demanding a specific response and the result of those interviews has been embarrassing. In the debate, Palin mostly spoke in generalities with very few details about McCain's policies. The most glaring example of this was her "answer" about an exit strategy for Iraq. Palin herself has said she'd like to see a clear exit strategy, but apparently she's yet to hear one from McCain because she had no answer and changed the subject.
IFILL: You both have sons who are in Iraq or on their way to Iraq. You, Gov. Palin, have said that you would like to see a real clear plan for an exit strategy. What should that be, Governor?
PALIN: I am very thankful that we do have a good plan and the surge and the counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq that has proven to work, I am thankful that that is part of the plan implemented under a great American hero, Gen. Petraeus, and pushed hard by another great American, Sen. John McCain.
I know that the other ticket opposed this surge, in fact, even opposed funding for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Barack Obama voted against funding troops there after promising that he would not do so.
PALIN: And Sen. Biden, I respected you when you called him out on that. You said that his vote was political and you said it would cost lives. And Barack Obama at first said he would not do that. He turned around under political pressure and he voted against funding the troops. We do have a plan for withdrawal. We don't need early withdrawal out of Iraq. We cannot afford to lose there or we're going to be no better off in the war in Afghanistan either. We have got to win in Iraq.
And with the surge that has worked we're now down to pre-surge numbers in Iraq. That's where we can be. We can start putting more troops in Afghanistan as we also work with our NATO allies who are there strengthening us and we need to grow our military. We cannot afford to lose against al Qaeda and the Shia extremists who are still there, still fighting us, but we're getting closer and closer to victory. And it would be a travesty if we quit now in Iraq.
The surge is not an exit strategy from Iraq Governor Palin! You have no answer because John McCain has NO exit strategy for Iraq. Also, we are NOT down to pre-surge numbers in Iraq. That is a lie.
Biden then gave an excellent response to what Palin said, and he actually answered the question.
BIDEN: Gwen, with all due respect, I didn't hear a plan. Barack Obama offered a clear plan. Shift responsibility to Iraqis over the next 16 months. Draw down our combat troops. Ironically the same plan that Maliki, the prime minister of Iraq and George Bush are now negotiating. The only odd man out here, only one left out is John McCain, number one. Number two, with regard to Barack Obama not quote funding the troops, John McCain voted the exact same way. John McCain voted against funding the troops because of an amendment he voted against had a timeline in it to draw down American troops. And John said I'm not going to fund the troops if in fact there's a time line. Barack Obama and I agree fully and completely on one thing. You've got to have a time line to draw down the troops and shift responsibility to the Iraqis.
We're spending $10 billion a month while Iraqis have an $80 billion surplus. Barack says it's time for them to spend their own money and have the 400,000 military we trained for them begin to take their own responsibility and gradually over 16 months, withdrawal. John McCain -- this is a fundamental difference between us, we'll end this war. For John McCain, there's no end in sight to end this war, fundamental difference. We will end this war.
Sarah Palin's next response was more of the divisive rhetoric that the Republicans have been using to bully others into following their failed policies for years.
PALIN: Your plan is a white flag of surrender in Iraq and that is not what our troops need to hear today, that's for sure. And it's not what our nation needs to be able to count on. You guys opposed the surge. The surge worked. Barack Obama still can't admit the surge works.
That's right, just like McCain, Sarah Palin thinks that anyone who opposes staying in Iraq indefinitely is a traitor who wants to surrender. It's this kind disgusting talking point that makes me sick, and I can't even believe they think it works on the American people. How stupid do they think we are? Issues like Iraq aren't black-or-white, they're extremely complicated. The surge does not equal the entire war in Iraq - it is just a tactic. There are still plenty of problems there the surge has not addressed at all. The Iraqi government has yet to meet all the political considerations that the surge was suppose to allow them to do. That means the surge hasn't even succeeded - and there's no indication it will work anytime soon.
To all those who are buying into the McCain/Palin bullshit: WE'VE ALREADY WON IN IRAQ! Saddam Hussein is dead, they've elected their own government and we've trained hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to take over their own country's security. There is absolutely no reason for us to stay in Iraq. Who is attacking us there? Iraqis! Every National Intelligence Estimate that's been released shows that Al Qaeda makes up less than 5% of those launching attacks in Iraq. Therefore, Iraq is not the central front of the war on terror - and I don't care if the terrorists have said that it is. (Unlike Palin who brought that point up. Glad to know that you believe what Al Qaeda has to say Sarah!) There is no organized group that can be defeated in Iraq. It is a variety of foreign insurgents and Iraqi people who are tired of the United States controlling their country. Right now the Iraq war is nothing more than an occupation. You can't win an occupation.
So please, stop with the "We're gonna win" and "You want to quit and surrender" nonsense. It only divides our country and it's just plain wrong.
Obama and Biden have the best solution to get out of Iraq responsibly. A timeline for our withdrawal is the only way to put enough pressure on the Iraqi government to have them complete the political reconciliations and take over their own country's security. After two debates I still don't know what John McCain's plan for an exit strategy in Iraq is other than surging forever.
There were many other examples of Palin's inability to answer the questions and the lack of specifics astounded me. Anybody can stand up and say they'll work hard for the people and reform government and win a war but her being unable to give any details of HOW exactly they plan on doing any of that says a whole lot.
People, stop being fooled by slogans and generalities! In these desperate times we need new, detailed ideas from leaders who can express them in an intelligent way. That's exactly what Barack Obama and Joe Biden have done. In both debates so far McCain and Palin have failed to give specifics of how they'll be different than the Bush administration. That's because there are no differences.
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