Tuesday, September 30, 2008

McCain admits Palin has no experience while insulting Bill Clinton

I just posted my first diary over at Daily Kos and I thought I'd repeat it here for those that don't visit that website.

New video of Katie Couric's interview with John McCain and Sarah Palin contains an embarrassing admission by McCain. - video below -

At around 2:53 McCain talks about other governors being questioned by "experts". After mentioning Ronald Reagan he says the following:

President Clinton was a governor of a very small state that had no experience either.

Obviously when saying that Clinton "had no experience either" he is implying that Sarah Palin has no experience. Kinda rude seeing that she's sitting right next to him. Whoopsie!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

"You were wrong!"

During the first presidential debate on Friday, Obama called out McCain for being wrong on Iraq - and guess what? Obama was right!

Here's that part of the debate with McCain's own words edited in to prove he actually said what Obama accused him of saying.

Seeing those old video clips and hearing his words makes it plainly apparent that John McCain does not have the judgment to be President.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Obama 1 - McCain 0

Obama just cleaned McCain's clock in the debate. I think McCain got a few points, but spewed mostly generalities and some misleading information while Obama knew specifics on every issue and from every angle.

Why wouldn't McCain look Obama in the eye? If he can't stand up to Obama how is he going to stand up to our enemies as president?

Overall I thought Obama came across as supremely knowledgeable, serious and presidential, while McCain snickered his way through the issues when he was caught BSing and he tried to change the subject to personal stories to highlight his personality rather than his ability to lead. McCain was even disrespectful at times, which really disappoints me and shows his true character. Obama is the real deal and proved it tonight.

Seriously, how could anyone watch this debate and think McCain is the better choice?

Propaganda First!

Before McCain blinked and agreed to debate tonight (even though there's no bailout bill agreement in Congress - can you say "flip-flop"?) he's already running web ads claiming he's won the debate!

Updated with image:

Wow, that right-wing time machine must be up and running. Maybe they'll go back in time and make sure Bush never becomes president!

The ad appeared in the online edition of the Wall Street Journal this morning as WashingtonPost.com reports:

"McCain Wins Debate!" declares the ad which features a headshot of a smiling McCain with an American flag background. Another ad spotted by our eagle-eyed observer featured a quote from McCain campaign manager Rick Davis declaring: "McCain won the debate-- hands down."

McSame is turning the presidential race into a complete joke and it's despicable...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why Obama Should Be President

Today I got into a "debate" on the comments board for my local newspaper where I wrote this in response to a question asking why I support Obama. I thought I'd add it to this blog since most of my posts here have been anti-McCain.

Barack Obama has the intelligence, judgment, and proper temperament to be an excellent president and commander in chief.

He has proposed extremely detailed and specific proposals on all the major issues which I support including tax breaks for the middle class, energy independence, education, poverty, healthcare and foreign policy - to name just a few.

Obama worked his way up from the bottom to (almost) the very top. He is the personification of the American dream.

I truly believe he wants to work for all the people in this country - not just the special interests and they way he's run his campaign proves this point in contrast to McCain's staff which is full of lobbyists. Obama is not a Washington insider who's been corrupted by the system and promises to end the influence of corporate lobbyists. Obama has also worked to make our government's dealings transparent to the public.

Obama will end the partisan gridlock in congress. He has a long history of reaching across the aisle to find common interests and get things done. He truly puts "country first" unlike McCain who's actions show he has only a slogan (I'm still unsure what country he's referring to).

Obama taught constitutional law - wouldn't it be nice to have a president that knows the constitution inside and out and respects the principles that founded our country and doesn't disregard it when it becomes inconvenient?

Obama's judgment on Iraq was correct, and he's still right - despite the "surge" talking points. On 9/11/2001 and in the days following, John McCain was making the case that we should invade Iraq, Iran, Sudan and Syria. The Iraqi government and now even Bush supports Obama's judgment on setting a timetable for withdrawal.

Obama's judgment on Afghanistan has always been correct. We should take the fight to the people who actually attacked us on 9/11 - not this distraction in Iraq. Also, if we know of terrorist targets in Pakistan and their gov't does nothing, Obama says we should strike. McCain opposes this position.

I'm out of space with the 3000 character limit. Do you want more?

There's a LOT more. Barack Obama inspires hope in me that our country can once again live up to the reputation of being the greatest country on Earth. Me and 85% of the Americans agree that we need change. Obama represents REAL change that you can believe in. That's not hype or rhetoric. From his words and actions and the reality of truth, I've come to believe this to be true.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain Suspends Campaign

No, unfortunately he didn't drop out of the presidential race. :(

Today McCain finally realized we're in an economic crisis! He wants to delay the first debate scheduled for Friday and go back to Washington to help get the bailout bill (that he won't say if he supports or not) moved through congress.

I actually think it's a smart move politically, but it's pretty much too late for him to pull this stunt to try to make Obama look like he's following McCain's lead. Unfortunately for McCain, as I write this, both Republicans and Democrats are working together to reach a consensus to modify the proposal the Bush admin tried to force on them. Even the Repubs won't give Bush a blank check anymore - they've completely lost their credibility, and getting Cheney out of his undisclosed location to strong arm them didn't work this time. That's right McCain, the bill is not in danger of failing as you claim and there's absolutely no reason why you can't multitask a bit! Your presence in Washington during this process would be just another gimmick to give you political points and you know it!

Hey McCain? Even though the scheduled debate was suppose to be about foreign policy, how about just talking about the economy? Or are you afraid to debate at all?

Monday, September 22, 2008


After every expert has agreed that our country's current economic crisis is the result of poor regulation by our government, John McCain says this on 60 Minutes which was broadcast on 9/21/08.

Scott Pelley: In 1999, you were one of the senators who helped pass deregulation of Wall Street. Do you regret that now?

John McCain: No, I think the deregulation was probably helpful to the growth of our economy.

Errrrr...WRONG JOHNNY BOY! This video isn't from a month ago - it's from this week - after the Wall Street meltdown and the bailouts! The deregulation you so proudly supported and apparently now continue to support were directly responsible for throwing our economy down the shitter. It proves what Democrats have been saying all along that when there's little government oversight, greed will dominate our economy regardless of the consequences.

When the truth is against McSame he doesn't admit he's wrong - he lies to cover his ass. Either that or he's so out of touch that he doesn't have a clue why we're in this mess. Regardless, how can you even consider voting for someone who is not being honest or is obviously divorced from reality when we're on the verge of a Greater Depression?

McBush sounds a lot like our current administration to me. I don't know about you, but after what the republicans have done to our economy, I don't think this country can take another four years of their failed policies and disregard for the truth! If this man is elected president...God help us all!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More disgusting politics as usual from McCain

John McCain has sunk to a new low and it makes me sick that anyone can support someone (for President no less) who is willing to resort to such a despicably misleading tactic like he's using in his latest attack ad against Obama. I refuse to post this lying video, but if you want to see it and read more I recommend this article.

McCain's latest propaganda video claims Obama has not accomplished a single education-related goal other than to promote "comprehensive sex education" to kindergartners. Yep, they're actually trying to make you think that Barack is some sort of sexual deviant who wants young children to "learn about sex before they can read" - yes, the ad really states this and it is a complete 180 degrees from the truth!

What they fail to mention in this despicable ad is the fact that the legislation actually supported age appropriate sex-education for children as a means of teaching them what was proper or improper touching, as well as to protect them against pedophiles. That's right - the truth is the exact opposite of what the McCain campaign is saying about Obama in this ad! Obama voted to protect children, not expose them to information about sex other than what they need to know (as appropriate for their age) to prevent them from becoming a victim.

Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton responded to McCain's ad:

It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls - a position that his friend Mitt Romney also holds. Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn't define what honor was. Now we know why.

It is obvious to me that the Republicans do not believe the truth matters to the American people. They believe the only way they can win this election is to ignore the important issues (because they're wrong on ALL of them) and focus on lying about themselves and their opponents. This kind of disgusting politics is anything but the "change" McCain is trying to sell to the American people.

Whether you consider yourself a Democrat, Republican, or Independent how can you vote for someone that has such little respect for you that they'll straight-out lie to you again and again? Sounds a lot like the current clusterfuck of an administration, but hey, if you want to vote for more of the same, go ahead sucker. You'll get what you deserve from your elected leadership: the same divisive politics that gets nothing done and only divides people that should be standing together to solve the great problems that plague our country!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Alabama Liberal

Looking for a place where you can check all the latest stories from the top liberal blogs and websites? Check out AlabamaLiberal.com - a site I created for myself so I can easily read liberal news feeds all on one web page. You don't have to be a radical redneck from 'Bama to enjoy this useful resource!

Anybody with ideas for additional feeds from liberal websites to add to AlabamaLiberal.com, feel free to post them in comments.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Obama strikes back!

After the Republican smear and propaganda machine had their week in the sun, Obama is hitting back hard on their false message of "change" by exposing their lies while outlining specific plans and solutions for our problems.

When Obama said "Over the last couple of days John McCain said..." an audience member yelled "NOTHING".

He's saying what I've been thinking all along about the rhetoric coming from the right. "You can't just make stuff up!" - "They must think you're stupid" - "You think we haven't been paying attention the past eight years?"

It's great to have a Democratic candidate for President with a backbone and the eloquence to dismantle the right-wing talking points!

Keep it up Obama! McCain doesn't have plans - just personality.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Viva la Revolution!

That's right the Republicans are leading a revolution...against themselves! In John McCain's acceptance speech at the RNC last night he promised the crowd that "Change is Coming." Change from what? The guy they refuse to even mention who he's voted with 90% of the time! They are admitting things aren't great for Americans and the country needs a new direction. They want you to forget that it was Republicans that have set the economic policy that has put this country in the worst shape in decades. They want you to forget their entire record and buy into the idea that the people who got us into this mess are the best choice for change to turn things around. Only your blind base of sheeple are buying this bullshit!

You can't just say you're for change when you have such a long record in the congress of voting for the policies that we so desperately need change from! Sorry, but people can't be THIS stupid! During McSame's speech and the entire convention they barely mention the economy and give absolutely no new ideas - just more of the same. Empty rhetoric and slogans might have worked in the past, but now people are upset about the state of our country and - unfortunately for you McCain - they are paying attention. You gave no specifics in your speech, and many of the things you say you'll get done you've actually voted against in the past. So now you're going to bring "change" huh? I don't buy it and I don't think the American voters will buy it - not when the stakes are so high.

I know how they're going to try to sell this crap. They'll say it's all the Dems fault because they've controlled both houses of congress for the past two years. Well, guess what - in case you think Americans have forgotten - Republicans have controlled the white house for the past eight years and they've controlled congress for 12 out of the past 14 years! They are the ones who have destroyed our economy, lied us into a war that's cost thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq, done absolutely nothing to help us gain energy independence and set back our constitutional rights more than any other time in the history of our country. This is their mess, and if we give them another four years, do you really think anything will change? Nope. They have to sell us on this marketing campaign because they have no new ideas - only a good story and a tabloid/reality TV VP candidate (who is unbelievably unqualified), and an opponent who has real ideas and specific plans to reverse the losing direction the Republicans have set for us all.

So after hearing all the empty rhetoric, lies and hate that spew out of the RNC compared to the real specific ideas to truly change the lives of Americans for the better, I think the choice is clear, and any rational thinking person will agree. I guess that's not who they're going after. They want brain-dead morons who think personality is more important than ideas and judgment. They want you to believe the can change themselves. Talk is cheap so answer me this question Republicans. How? Your record shows you are the same as Bush, so until you give the specifics of your new ideas (which don't exist) I have to assume you'll be just more of the same.

I didn't hear any answers from McBush and don't expect to. They think an advertising campaign can win so that's what they're going with - not real answers to the American people's plight. It's a cynical and insulting way to run a presidential campaign, and if you're buying it - you're either a partisan sheep or you're just not paying attention to the issues.

Updated with video. Watch Tom Ridge's Freudian slip in reference to McCain calling him "John Bush". Even he knows they offer just more of the same...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Surge! Surge! Surge!

All I'm hearing from the slimy bastards speaking at the RNC tonight is Surge! Surge! Surge! and the outrageous lie that Obama would rather lose a war than lose an election...surrender surrender surrender. This is the same BS they've been saying ever since the Dems got the backbone to stand up to the Bush admin and their illegal occupation of Iraq.

Guess what asshats - the surge was no more than the escalation of the failed policies of the Bush admin who lied us into a war of choice (that has actually made us less safe) which they then disastrously mismanaged! As Obama admitted tonight to O'rly (who gushed that Obama is "tough" and "not a wimpy guy" - thanks papa bear!) - yes, there has been success in reducing the violence in Iraq but the fact remains that the Iraqi government has not stepped up politically or militarily to do what's necessary to secure and run their own country! We have not won in Iraq until Iraqis control their own country and our troops are home - and McCain has no intentions of doing that. Even Bush has come around to Obama's plan for timetables for our redeployment from Iraq (probably to try to salvage his historic failure of a Presidency). McCain basically has no plan other than staying the course, unless you claim speeches and slogans are a plan. If we hear any kind of realistic and specific plan from McCain tonight in his acceptance speech other than "surge", I'll be amazed! We already know they won't mention the economy...this is all they got?

Some "change" McCain pretends to represent. More of the same tired rhetoric and lies that basically says "If you're not with us, you're against us". How do you think that plays to the 65% of Americans who currently oppose the war in Iraq? We've heard it all before and are sick and tired of this insulting and divisive kind of politics (why do you think Obama is such a big "celebrity") All you've got now is your base, so you might as well continue pandering to them. Carry on!

What to expect from a McCain administration

More of the same, and in this video McCain admits it!

McCain: "On the most important issues of our day I have been totally in agreement and support of President Bush."

So there you have it. No matter what lies and hate he tries to fool you with tonight in his acceptance speech, McCain can't deny his own words. He is no "maverick". He caves into the extreme-right of his party with his VP pick that's no more than a political gimmick, and he supports Bush 90% of the time. If you truly want a different government that cares about the issues that affect every day Americans and will reverse the damage created by Bush and his cronies, are you really going to take a 10% chance on change?

The choice is simple. If you think we're all better off after eight years of Bush and majority Republican rule for the past 12 out of 14 years, vote for McSame. If you want real change, vote Obama!

Palin does the improbable and accepts VP nomination!

Who would have thought that a former sportscaster could read a teleprompter so well?

I won't subject you to the video of Palin's acceptance speech but boy, she's got me sold ;/ Four more years of the same failed policies with no new ideas. The same divisive politics that means nothing gets done in Washington. Completely empty rhetoric giving zero specifics but plenty of attacks on Barack Obama that try (but fail) to belittle his service to his community and his country. Not one word about her foreign policy experience (because she has none) or proof if she's ready to be a 72 year old cancer survivor's heartbeat away from being President of the United States, let alone serve as the VP at all. Her speech did nothing to answer the question we want (and deserve) to know: Is she ready, on day one, to be President and Commander in Chief of the United States of American and hold the second most powerful office on Earth. Sorry Palin, but for VP of my country, being "tough" and able to read a speech does not make you ready to lead.

If you saw Palin's acceptance speech and any of the Democratic National Convention, did you notice the contrast between the two? The Democrats want to lift up this country with a realistic vision of America where our government actually makes changes that affect your life in a positive way, while the Republicans want to tear us apart - "Country First" means "You're either with us or against us". The Dems offer real solutions for the economy, energy, tax relief, foreign policy, the environment, jobs, health care, and ending the partisan divide in Washington. Where was the Republican vision for the next four years? Not here, just more of the same which means exactly what the Democrats have been saying - a vote for McCain/Palin is a vote for four more years of failed Bush policies.

So far at the RNC no new ideas were put forth on the economy - the number one issue with voters - they barely even mention the economy and especially avoid Bush. Their whole argument is change - that's right, they're trying to steal Obama's message because theirs is so pitifully stupid and ineffectual. They say they are going to clean up Washington - well, John McCain IS Washington - he's been in congress for 26 years, and of the last 8 years he supported Bush 90% of the time! Sorry, you can't have it both ways - being real change for our government when you've been an integral part of said government and supported (and continue to support) the failed policies that have gotten us into this mess! What's worse is that they want to sell you on a 10% chance of change with absolutely no specific ideas that will improve the state of this country. You see, the McCain campaign has already admitted they don't want this election to be about issues - they want it to be about personality. That's because on the issues - they're wrong and they know it.

After watching a couple of nights of this windbag gag-fest, I have a question and some comments for the right-wingers: Why are you so angry and mean? Audience members tonight were chanting "zero" in reference to Obama. [rant]Have some fucking respect you douchebags! Millions of Americans (18 million in the primary) voted for this man and he's dedicated his life to public service![/rant] Obama and Biden have been completely respectful of your candidates even while one is going through a family crisis that's become tabloid fodder. I know it goes against your nature, but try showing a little class. I'm actually glad you're all so full of vile, insult and disrespect - it turns off more voters and only your loony extremist base likes that kind of politics.

Blech, the more I hear Palin's speech the more I realize how snarky, angry, hateful, mean and disrespectful these people are. Who the hell is she to criticize Barack Obama who has served us well as a US Senator and received many millions of votes from Americans they're running for office to represent? Most of her talking points are misrepresentations and lies - a typical ploy when you're wrong on all the issues and have no new ideas. Look for them to keep rolling out more of the fear-mongering, propaganda and hate - all the while blaming the media for how badly they're coming across.

Don't bother watching the Palin speech crapfest, instead watch the video below to know all you need to know about this pitiful pick for VP McCain has made and you will know exactly what type of judgment John McSame has.

In this video from July 31st 2008 Palin answers questions about the ethics investigation she's under in her state of Alaska where she's been the governor for a whopping 20 months. She also wonders "What is it exactly the VP does every day?".

Do you think she knows what a VP does yet, or was she too busy learning the speech the McCain campaign wrote for her?

And now, a little analysis. It seems to me Republicans are once again going to try to win by energizing their base of ultra-conservatives - which means they take the most far-right positions of all the issues and thus alienate moderate and independent voters. I've got news for them. In the past four years the Republican party has lost millions of members while Democratic voter registration is through the roof. Do they really think the sheep will win the election for them after eight years of Republican rule? There's not enough of them left. The people of this country want change - real change and that's exactly what Barack Obama and Joe Biden represent!

Monday, September 1, 2008

The REAL Republican Party!

This video shows what Republicans were doing while people were fleeing for their lives from hurricane Gustav. While pretending to suspend their wingnut convention, they partied the night away at extravagant shindigs thrown by corporate lobbyists including one with a band called "Hookers & Blow".

McCain is some leader huh? He tries to get Republicans to respect the human suffering of Americans on the gulf, and they shamelessly celebrate. Why is it that when it comes to doing the right thing, the "right" is always wrong?

Palin has more experience than Obama?

The Republican propaganda machine is out in full force trying to fool the American public into believing that McCain's surprise choice of Sarah Palin for VP has more experience than Barack Obama. The "experience" they cite is that she's the 20 month governor of the 47th most populous state of Alaska (practically Canada - have you heard her speak?) and the former mayor of a town of less than 10,000 people where she also served on the city council (and the PTA - LOL), plus she's the commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard - which means absolutely nothing. Oh, and because Alaska is near Russia - she knows foreign policy. Give me a fucking break!

Palin could be a 72-year-old heartbeat away from being president so they're trying everything they can to mislead you from the fact that she might have more "executive" experience but nothing she has done in any way remotely qualifies her for being Commander in Chief - anybody with half a brain can see that. If executive experience is all that's important - Palin has more experience than John McCain!

Even the right-wing pundits were laughing about the possibility of Palin on the ticket - before McCain thru his hail-mary pass and actually picked her. >watch the video

As a US Senator for the state of Illinois, Barack Obama has served on the Senate Foreign Relations committee. This alone trumps all the "experience" the right is trying to push as Palin's qualifications to be VP.

Face it folks, McCain has made a pure political decision in choosing Palin - trying to grab womens' votes and satisfy the religious-right extremists at the same time. That shows just one thing - poor judgment! McSame failed his first presidential decision and will fail at many more if elected President of the United States.