Today John McCain made a decision that handed the next Presidency of the United States of America to Barack Obama! Thank you McCain for choosing Sara Palin as your Vice Presidential candidate! You just undermined your entire campaign (which has been entirely based on the attack that Obama isn't ready to be Commander in Chief) by selecting someone with less experience than your opponent. Palin has been governer of Alaska for a year and a half - that's it, that's all the experience she has. McCain is a 72 year old cancer survivor and he chose an unknown woman with zero foreign policy knowledge as the one who could be a heartbeat away from being President. I know Cheney has elevated the power of the Vice Presidency, but the main purpose of this office is to be our President and Commander in Chief in case, Gods forbid, something happens to the President. Does McCain think that of all the Republicans available, this is the best selection? Senator McCain, I agree with Barack Obama that you don't have the judgement to be President because this utterly awful choice as your VP proves his point without a shadow of a doubt!
I know why McCain made this choice. First, he's desperate. After the amazing DNC convention with the best speech of Obama's career, the Republicans needed something exciting so they pulled what will amount to no more than a stunt. I do commend them for ensuring this election will indeed make history, no matter which side wins. McCain thinks disapointed Hillary supporters will come over to the dark side. McCain hopes women will flock to this new bi-gender ticket just because Palin is a woman. This is the utmost in condescension since the Republican policies have not served women's interests in any way. Does John McCain think women are stupid? Unfortunately for McCain, this stunt for attention is further proof that they have been misleading us all along. He does not put the "country first", he puts politics first and that's exactly what Americans like me are sick and tired of and will tolerate no more!
McCain/Palin is not the kind of change in leadership we so desperately need. In fact, it is exactly the same as Bush/Cheney - inexperienced, over-privileged, untrustworthy blowhards with the exact same failed policies making decisions based on politics first, not what's best for the people of our country! So, if you're OK with a Presidential nominee making a pure political decision in naming his Vice President that will do absolutely nothing for our national security and demeans the intelligence of women by trying to get their votes based solely on gender, go ahead and join the minority of voters in this election and vote for McSame/Whatsherface! Me and the vast majority of thinking Americans will be voting for REAL change - Barack Obama!
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