Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin does the improbable and accepts VP nomination!

Who would have thought that a former sportscaster could read a teleprompter so well?

I won't subject you to the video of Palin's acceptance speech but boy, she's got me sold ;/ Four more years of the same failed policies with no new ideas. The same divisive politics that means nothing gets done in Washington. Completely empty rhetoric giving zero specifics but plenty of attacks on Barack Obama that try (but fail) to belittle his service to his community and his country. Not one word about her foreign policy experience (because she has none) or proof if she's ready to be a 72 year old cancer survivor's heartbeat away from being President of the United States, let alone serve as the VP at all. Her speech did nothing to answer the question we want (and deserve) to know: Is she ready, on day one, to be President and Commander in Chief of the United States of American and hold the second most powerful office on Earth. Sorry Palin, but for VP of my country, being "tough" and able to read a speech does not make you ready to lead.

If you saw Palin's acceptance speech and any of the Democratic National Convention, did you notice the contrast between the two? The Democrats want to lift up this country with a realistic vision of America where our government actually makes changes that affect your life in a positive way, while the Republicans want to tear us apart - "Country First" means "You're either with us or against us". The Dems offer real solutions for the economy, energy, tax relief, foreign policy, the environment, jobs, health care, and ending the partisan divide in Washington. Where was the Republican vision for the next four years? Not here, just more of the same which means exactly what the Democrats have been saying - a vote for McCain/Palin is a vote for four more years of failed Bush policies.

So far at the RNC no new ideas were put forth on the economy - the number one issue with voters - they barely even mention the economy and especially avoid Bush. Their whole argument is change - that's right, they're trying to steal Obama's message because theirs is so pitifully stupid and ineffectual. They say they are going to clean up Washington - well, John McCain IS Washington - he's been in congress for 26 years, and of the last 8 years he supported Bush 90% of the time! Sorry, you can't have it both ways - being real change for our government when you've been an integral part of said government and supported (and continue to support) the failed policies that have gotten us into this mess! What's worse is that they want to sell you on a 10% chance of change with absolutely no specific ideas that will improve the state of this country. You see, the McCain campaign has already admitted they don't want this election to be about issues - they want it to be about personality. That's because on the issues - they're wrong and they know it.

After watching a couple of nights of this windbag gag-fest, I have a question and some comments for the right-wingers: Why are you so angry and mean? Audience members tonight were chanting "zero" in reference to Obama. [rant]Have some fucking respect you douchebags! Millions of Americans (18 million in the primary) voted for this man and he's dedicated his life to public service![/rant] Obama and Biden have been completely respectful of your candidates even while one is going through a family crisis that's become tabloid fodder. I know it goes against your nature, but try showing a little class. I'm actually glad you're all so full of vile, insult and disrespect - it turns off more voters and only your loony extremist base likes that kind of politics.

Blech, the more I hear Palin's speech the more I realize how snarky, angry, hateful, mean and disrespectful these people are. Who the hell is she to criticize Barack Obama who has served us well as a US Senator and received many millions of votes from Americans they're running for office to represent? Most of her talking points are misrepresentations and lies - a typical ploy when you're wrong on all the issues and have no new ideas. Look for them to keep rolling out more of the fear-mongering, propaganda and hate - all the while blaming the media for how badly they're coming across.

Don't bother watching the Palin speech crapfest, instead watch the video below to know all you need to know about this pitiful pick for VP McCain has made and you will know exactly what type of judgment John McSame has.

In this video from July 31st 2008 Palin answers questions about the ethics investigation she's under in her state of Alaska where she's been the governor for a whopping 20 months. She also wonders "What is it exactly the VP does every day?".

Do you think she knows what a VP does yet, or was she too busy learning the speech the McCain campaign wrote for her?

And now, a little analysis. It seems to me Republicans are once again going to try to win by energizing their base of ultra-conservatives - which means they take the most far-right positions of all the issues and thus alienate moderate and independent voters. I've got news for them. In the past four years the Republican party has lost millions of members while Democratic voter registration is through the roof. Do they really think the sheep will win the election for them after eight years of Republican rule? There's not enough of them left. The people of this country want change - real change and that's exactly what Barack Obama and Joe Biden represent!

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