Monday, September 22, 2008


After every expert has agreed that our country's current economic crisis is the result of poor regulation by our government, John McCain says this on 60 Minutes which was broadcast on 9/21/08.

Scott Pelley: In 1999, you were one of the senators who helped pass deregulation of Wall Street. Do you regret that now?

John McCain: No, I think the deregulation was probably helpful to the growth of our economy.

Errrrr...WRONG JOHNNY BOY! This video isn't from a month ago - it's from this week - after the Wall Street meltdown and the bailouts! The deregulation you so proudly supported and apparently now continue to support were directly responsible for throwing our economy down the shitter. It proves what Democrats have been saying all along that when there's little government oversight, greed will dominate our economy regardless of the consequences.

When the truth is against McSame he doesn't admit he's wrong - he lies to cover his ass. Either that or he's so out of touch that he doesn't have a clue why we're in this mess. Regardless, how can you even consider voting for someone who is not being honest or is obviously divorced from reality when we're on the verge of a Greater Depression?

McBush sounds a lot like our current administration to me. I don't know about you, but after what the republicans have done to our economy, I don't think this country can take another four years of their failed policies and disregard for the truth! If this man is elected president...God help us all!

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