The Wall Street Journal reports that Bush-era tax cuts are a likely campaign theme for the November 2010 midterm elections. If so, I say bring it on! Here's why:
With the Republicans' non-stop complaining about too much spending and the increased budget deficit and our huge national debt, they can't have it both ways. Either they want more income coming into the government in the form of increased taxes or they want to cut vital services and entitlements that Americans enjoy and take for granted on a daily basis. They really think that they can just use the old 'Democrats want to raise taxes' attack and think that people are too stupid to know the truth, but a quick examination of the facts easily shows that the proposed tax increase for the rich is actually minimal and hardly enough to cause the negative economic impact that conservatives claim will happen if the Bush tax cuts for the richest Americans are allowed to expire in 2011.
First, nobody making under $250,000/yr will see increased taxes because those Bush tax cuts will be extended. This is exactly what Obama promised during the 2008 presidential campaign and ever since and I'm proud that he's held to that pledge. About 2% of U.S. households earn more than $250,000 annually, according to recent statistics, therefore only 2% of Americans will be affected by this tax increase. Republicans will be choosing to side with the rich and not the middle class (as usual). Some have even been so bold as to propose raising taxes on the middle class and extending cuts for the rich. Good luck with that idea Repubs... Trickle-down economics is an abysmal failure in case they forgot!
Here is a breakdown of the actual dollar amount of tax increases for different tax brackets. As you can see, it is not very much of an increase compared to the annual income levels.
A married couple, two earners, two children making $300,000 will see a tax increase of only $3,995.
A married couple, two earners, no children making $500,000 will see a tax increase of only $6,442.
A married couple, two earners, no children making $1,000,000 will see a tax increase of only $53,175.
This information is based on the chart above created by the Tax Foundation from the Wall Street Journal article.
With the many programs and two wars started by the Bush administration with absolutely no plan to pay for them, including the tax cuts for the rich he implemented as soon as he got in office without a plan to pay for them, it is completely fair to progressively tax the rich in 2011. With increased spending due to the recession and an increasing deficit and huge national debt, even conservatives should agree that it is definitely a necessity. Extending the Bush tax cuts for the rich will add another $2 TRILLION to the deficit over the next 10 years. How hypocritical it would be of Republicans if they allow this to happen over such minimal tax increases for the richest 2% of Americans.
I've shown that these proposed tax increases for the rich are not harsh at all and if I was making that much money every year, believe me, I'd certainly have no problem paying a little extra as my patriotic duty to ensure the success of our nation as a whole. These are the same rates the rich were paying under Clinton and the economy had no problem thriving then. These facts make it a clear losing argument for Republicans if they choose to use it as an issue in the upcoming November 2010 midterms. That's why on this issue I say "Bring it on!"
Views and insights on everything from politics to pop culture from a red state liberal
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Is This What Has Become of Conservatism? An Investigation Into Delusional Wingnut Madness
WARNING: If you're a liberal or rational human being these quotes will make you mad but sometimes you just have to laugh at how unbelievably stupid some people can be while pointing out how ridiculous they truly are.
As clear examples of just how delusional and unbelievably hateful conservatives can be, I've compiled some of the comments from the latest couple of posts on the Facebook page for 'Being Conservative' which has almost 1 1/2 million members. Frankly, I've never seen a more ignorant and despicable bunch of moronic assholes. In my opinion those who spread the kind of blatant lies that are being spread there about our president are traitors to our country and should be held accountable.
(NOTE: The names of the people commenting has been left out for privacy concerns. In some instances I have included my own comments on these quotes that are indicated with an arrow like this: <---)
This post was just asking which stupid t-shirt slogan they like the best.
"Fire Congress!
Kick out the american imposter president from Kenya first!"
"This is a socialist state and a socialist nation, sad to say!!"
"10,000 fists 1 hanging" <--- CALL FOR MURDER
"Reverend King must be rolling over in his grave, with disgust and burning shame at the overt racism that has become POLICY in the Obama administration."
"Elect a "Man Who Would Be King", then when he does not do as he promises, "Off with his head"! We need to make the people responsible, RESPONSIBLE!"
"Impeach Obama!! before he and Pelosi ruin our country, give it to the Chinese, and turn us into slaves to the Muslim world. Keep drilling!!!!!!"
"If any of them "R" or "D" aint started "IMPEACHING" this "UNCONSTITUTIONAL pRECEDENT!!!!, Then none of them are worth having! Every thing this pRECEDENT has "EVER DONE" is ANTI-USA, and ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL!"
"America was great, but not anymore. You can tell by the current regime. Now we have boarder jumpers voting, getting free health care, and education."
Here's some comments from a post with a poll that blatantly lies about Obama allowing foreign ships to help clean the Gulf oil spill. Of course, the vast majority of people don't bother to investigate if this claim is true or not. Because it fits into their preconceived beliefs it's immediately accepted as fact and even used as an excuse to call for the POTUS to be impeached and even murdered.
I was happy to see that a few brave people dare set the record straight that Obama has indeed been accepting foreign aid for the oil spill including this first quote which made me chuckle.
"I shared your poll link above, then got this news report back from a friend about all the countries the State Department has ACCEPTED help from and are currently working on the oil spill. Get your facts STRAIGHT!! before you try to stir up negative press. You just made republicans look stupid...."
"Obama ISN'T a Christian. He is Muslim. He is one of the most anti-american people out there."
"This country is falling apart under the leadership or lack thereof with Barrack "Osama.""
"Obama allowed many of our soliders to be killed because he took not a day, but month to finally send more help...that shows right there he don't care. Obama never ran a buiness, & never faught in a war, he don't know nothing except to destroy."
"I truly with all my heart wish he could have been the first Black man to fight for our freedom, and show the world he was a good man, but unfotunitly he is working for the devil."
"Obama will destroy our Country, he is building it up to be worst than Hitler, do we want to live like that? Soon Obama will make it so you have no privacy at all. Even those who are illegal will hate him, because Obama is just using them as he is everyone he speaks to. He is working towards a one ruler, & soon we will have serious wars even here if we don't get him out. We are Living in the LAST DAYS."
"Is he TRYING to single-handedly destroy us? Does he really hate America THAT much? Why is he trying so hard to hurt so many people with every decision he makes? I don't understand."
"So it Looks to me that President Obama, & Congress don't care about protecting our Country, they are out to destroy, & take all our rights away, this is just the beginning, they intend to control everyone and I mean control your Life & everything you do. Wake up America lets fight back"
"hes not gonna be happy till hes made the us on the level of a third world country. hes a friggin muslim i don't know why people are so blind. hes on his wat to selling us out..., and not no but hell no i don't agree with his decision hes killing our waters and sealife at a faster rate than the fishieries part of nearly everybodys diet. i don't agree with 99.0% of what he has to say anyway cause it comes from a lyin muslim"
"he is an idiot!!!!! worst president we have ever had-----he needs to be OUT of office, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!"
"BO is out to destroy America any way he can, and he's doing a great job so far. I do not believe he is either an AMERICAN OR A CHRISTIAN!"
"Obammy is using this spill to condemn Big Oil. He DOES NOT want it cleand up quickly! He's following what one of his henchmen said, "never let a good emergency go unused" or something like that. The guy is a PHONY, no experienced, wanna be KING. The arrogant socialist bastard need to be impeached!"
"BO is a poop head. This was consensus amongst at least eight of us in a bar in Nashville yesterday!"
"Between ODumbo and his pandering fool Holder I'd like to throw both of those a-holes in the Gulf before they sink this country in the hole any further."
"Where is GEORGE W... yes. GEORGE, we miss you."
"What a dick, we need all the help we can get to clean that mess up. That boy needs to step aside and let someone with some sence run this country."
"If the spill were in another country's backyard, say... Iran or some Muslim country... he'd have sent trillions of non-existent dollars plus half the US Navy to assist. He's holding the Gulf Coast hostage!!!"
"Obama-nickname is Dan stands for dumb ass niger lol" <--BLATANT RACISM
"He's an idiot. hes not a US citizen he has no birth certificate. and has no business being the President of the United States. He had divided this country and will go down in history as the worse ever president. The country is bankrupt. Now even nurses can't find jobs."
"Hussein Obama, the muslim in charge, doesn't want it cleaned up, just like he doesn't want to protect our borders. His goal is the destruction of the U.S., the main muslim agenda."
"BO is trying to destroy America, not improve it. At what point will the American people wake up to this socialist?"
"Why can't these people see that. He is evil incarnate..."
"Obama is an obstructionist president." <--- HUH?
"What we need is another Ronald Reagen combined with Abe Lincoln and Washington and some founding fathers to put us on the right path." <--- Zombie Frankenstein "Reagen" in 2012!
"This is payback time for Louisiana for not getting our vote . He wants to destroy us as much as he can. This man is very very evil."
"Obama is not for you or me nor this country.. he's for his self and his muslum buddys.. So as for the oil spill he could care less the same for our milatary were our children are dying everyday for our country while he's sitting on his a$$ doing nothing.. All talk.. no action.."
"I believe Obama is the man with many faces.. he is the devil.. the end days are nearby"
"Stupid is as stupid does. It looks like Forest Gump is running the Country" <--Who honestly thinks Obama is stupid...really...
"This stupid fucking idiot is not a president but a fucking dictator we need to get him out"
"I think we should throw him in the gulf." <---Call for violence
"He's also from Kenya Africa."
"I vote to impeach him for treson!" <---"Treson"!! Hell, If you gotta make something up for a reason to impeach might as well be treson...
"Will someone take this JAGOFF out of office!"
"do not agree he is worse than any OTHER terrorist to hit Americans and he is our president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"blowbama is an idiot" <---Wishful Thinking? (this commentor was a dude)
"obamarxist will pay fot this. It's called karma."
"NO, Obama wants to destroy America. This is another example of how much he hates the US."
"Obama seems through all this mess to continue to help the Muslims. This is a religious thing he is doing."
"He is a terrorist to our country. Let's get him OUT!"
"We are under siege.. The government is taking over our lives.. down with big government and comrad Obama"
"Obammy doesn't want it cleaned up!!! he wants to use this to tighten the Governments grasp on us the people! Jones act Shmones act...This turd merchant O boy, is all about union labor and socialism..."
"Our TERRORIST PRESIDENT, single handedly killing America"
That's all I can stomach right now, but believe me, there's thousands more comments just like these!
The vast majority of these people honestly believe Obama (Democratically elected President of the United States of America) is out to destroy our country...on purpose. Most believe this because they honestly think that he's a Muslim infiltrator who has duped the nation. SERIOUSLY! I feel dirty now after reading this garbage and I hardly went through very many comments out of thousands to uncover the alternate reality conservatives seem to live in and I left out a LOT of duplicate opinions. Despite claims from the right-wingers, there is absolutely no equivalent to this kind of insanity and disgusting vitriol with the rhetoric from our side. None whatsoever.
Notice how the majority of them engage in such childish taunts and how they can barely use punctuation, spell correctly, or even write a cohesive sentence. That tells you a lot about their mental capacity IMO. I have to wonder why they believe all this crap they spew or if it just makes them feel better to vent? Regardless, it's a sad state for the conservative movement that they've become so remarkably ignorant, hateful and just plain stupid!
I'm truly amazed anyone could become so brainwashed by Faux News and other right-wing 'news' sources who are willing to feed their delusions. Is this just all code-words for racism, or motivated reason, or what exactly explains the descent into wingnut madness that has become conservatism? I have no explanation for such insanity other than they absolutely hate our democracy when they're not in power and are willing to say anything to try to tear down Obama, even at the expense of our entire country. How despicable!
As clear examples of just how delusional and unbelievably hateful conservatives can be, I've compiled some of the comments from the latest couple of posts on the Facebook page for 'Being Conservative' which has almost 1 1/2 million members. Frankly, I've never seen a more ignorant and despicable bunch of moronic assholes. In my opinion those who spread the kind of blatant lies that are being spread there about our president are traitors to our country and should be held accountable.
(NOTE: The names of the people commenting has been left out for privacy concerns. In some instances I have included my own comments on these quotes that are indicated with an arrow like this: <---)
This post was just asking which stupid t-shirt slogan they like the best.
"Fire Congress!
Kick out the american imposter president from Kenya first!"
"This is a socialist state and a socialist nation, sad to say!!"
"10,000 fists 1 hanging" <--- CALL FOR MURDER
"Reverend King must be rolling over in his grave, with disgust and burning shame at the overt racism that has become POLICY in the Obama administration."
"Elect a "Man Who Would Be King", then when he does not do as he promises, "Off with his head"! We need to make the people responsible, RESPONSIBLE!"
"Impeach Obama!! before he and Pelosi ruin our country, give it to the Chinese, and turn us into slaves to the Muslim world. Keep drilling!!!!!!"
"If any of them "R" or "D" aint started "IMPEACHING" this "UNCONSTITUTIONAL pRECEDENT!!!!, Then none of them are worth having! Every thing this pRECEDENT has "EVER DONE" is ANTI-USA, and ANTI-CONSTITUTIONAL!"
"America was great, but not anymore. You can tell by the current regime. Now we have boarder jumpers voting, getting free health care, and education."
Here's some comments from a post with a poll that blatantly lies about Obama allowing foreign ships to help clean the Gulf oil spill. Of course, the vast majority of people don't bother to investigate if this claim is true or not. Because it fits into their preconceived beliefs it's immediately accepted as fact and even used as an excuse to call for the POTUS to be impeached and even murdered.
I was happy to see that a few brave people dare set the record straight that Obama has indeed been accepting foreign aid for the oil spill including this first quote which made me chuckle.
"I shared your poll link above, then got this news report back from a friend about all the countries the State Department has ACCEPTED help from and are currently working on the oil spill. Get your facts STRAIGHT!! before you try to stir up negative press. You just made republicans look stupid...."
"Obama ISN'T a Christian. He is Muslim. He is one of the most anti-american people out there."
"This country is falling apart under the leadership or lack thereof with Barrack "Osama.""
"Obama allowed many of our soliders to be killed because he took not a day, but month to finally send more help...that shows right there he don't care. Obama never ran a buiness, & never faught in a war, he don't know nothing except to destroy."
"I truly with all my heart wish he could have been the first Black man to fight for our freedom, and show the world he was a good man, but unfotunitly he is working for the devil."
"Obama will destroy our Country, he is building it up to be worst than Hitler, do we want to live like that? Soon Obama will make it so you have no privacy at all. Even those who are illegal will hate him, because Obama is just using them as he is everyone he speaks to. He is working towards a one ruler, & soon we will have serious wars even here if we don't get him out. We are Living in the LAST DAYS."
"Is he TRYING to single-handedly destroy us? Does he really hate America THAT much? Why is he trying so hard to hurt so many people with every decision he makes? I don't understand."
"So it Looks to me that President Obama, & Congress don't care about protecting our Country, they are out to destroy, & take all our rights away, this is just the beginning, they intend to control everyone and I mean control your Life & everything you do. Wake up America lets fight back"
"hes not gonna be happy till hes made the us on the level of a third world country. hes a friggin muslim i don't know why people are so blind. hes on his wat to selling us out..., and not no but hell no i don't agree with his decision hes killing our waters and sealife at a faster rate than the fishieries part of nearly everybodys diet. i don't agree with 99.0% of what he has to say anyway cause it comes from a lyin muslim"
"he is an idiot!!!!! worst president we have ever had-----he needs to be OUT of office, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!"
"BO is out to destroy America any way he can, and he's doing a great job so far. I do not believe he is either an AMERICAN OR A CHRISTIAN!"
"Obammy is using this spill to condemn Big Oil. He DOES NOT want it cleand up quickly! He's following what one of his henchmen said, "never let a good emergency go unused" or something like that. The guy is a PHONY, no experienced, wanna be KING. The arrogant socialist bastard need to be impeached!"
"BO is a poop head. This was consensus amongst at least eight of us in a bar in Nashville yesterday!"
"Between ODumbo and his pandering fool Holder I'd like to throw both of those a-holes in the Gulf before they sink this country in the hole any further."
"Where is GEORGE W... yes. GEORGE, we miss you."
"What a dick, we need all the help we can get to clean that mess up. That boy needs to step aside and let someone with some sence run this country."
"If the spill were in another country's backyard, say... Iran or some Muslim country... he'd have sent trillions of non-existent dollars plus half the US Navy to assist. He's holding the Gulf Coast hostage!!!"
"Obama-nickname is Dan stands for dumb ass niger lol" <--BLATANT RACISM
"He's an idiot. hes not a US citizen he has no birth certificate. and has no business being the President of the United States. He had divided this country and will go down in history as the worse ever president. The country is bankrupt. Now even nurses can't find jobs."
"Hussein Obama, the muslim in charge, doesn't want it cleaned up, just like he doesn't want to protect our borders. His goal is the destruction of the U.S., the main muslim agenda."
"BO is trying to destroy America, not improve it. At what point will the American people wake up to this socialist?"
"Why can't these people see that. He is evil incarnate..."
"Obama is an obstructionist president." <--- HUH?
"What we need is another Ronald Reagen combined with Abe Lincoln and Washington and some founding fathers to put us on the right path." <--- Zombie Frankenstein "Reagen" in 2012!
"This is payback time for Louisiana for not getting our vote . He wants to destroy us as much as he can. This man is very very evil."
"Obama is not for you or me nor this country.. he's for his self and his muslum buddys.. So as for the oil spill he could care less the same for our milatary were our children are dying everyday for our country while he's sitting on his a$$ doing nothing.. All talk.. no action.."
"I believe Obama is the man with many faces.. he is the devil.. the end days are nearby"
"Stupid is as stupid does. It looks like Forest Gump is running the Country" <--Who honestly thinks Obama is stupid...really...
"This stupid fucking idiot is not a president but a fucking dictator we need to get him out"
"I think we should throw him in the gulf." <---Call for violence
"He's also from Kenya Africa."
"I vote to impeach him for treson!" <---"Treson"!! Hell, If you gotta make something up for a reason to impeach might as well be treson...
"Will someone take this JAGOFF out of office!"
"do not agree he is worse than any OTHER terrorist to hit Americans and he is our president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"blowbama is an idiot" <---Wishful Thinking? (this commentor was a dude)
"obamarxist will pay fot this. It's called karma."
"NO, Obama wants to destroy America. This is another example of how much he hates the US."
"Obama seems through all this mess to continue to help the Muslims. This is a religious thing he is doing."
"He is a terrorist to our country. Let's get him OUT!"
"We are under siege.. The government is taking over our lives.. down with big government and comrad Obama"
"Obammy doesn't want it cleaned up!!! he wants to use this to tighten the Governments grasp on us the people! Jones act Shmones act...This turd merchant O boy, is all about union labor and socialism..."
"Our TERRORIST PRESIDENT, single handedly killing America"
That's all I can stomach right now, but believe me, there's thousands more comments just like these!
The vast majority of these people honestly believe Obama (Democratically elected President of the United States of America) is out to destroy our country...on purpose. Most believe this because they honestly think that he's a Muslim infiltrator who has duped the nation. SERIOUSLY! I feel dirty now after reading this garbage and I hardly went through very many comments out of thousands to uncover the alternate reality conservatives seem to live in and I left out a LOT of duplicate opinions. Despite claims from the right-wingers, there is absolutely no equivalent to this kind of insanity and disgusting vitriol with the rhetoric from our side. None whatsoever.
Notice how the majority of them engage in such childish taunts and how they can barely use punctuation, spell correctly, or even write a cohesive sentence. That tells you a lot about their mental capacity IMO. I have to wonder why they believe all this crap they spew or if it just makes them feel better to vent? Regardless, it's a sad state for the conservative movement that they've become so remarkably ignorant, hateful and just plain stupid!
I'm truly amazed anyone could become so brainwashed by Faux News and other right-wing 'news' sources who are willing to feed their delusions. Is this just all code-words for racism, or motivated reason, or what exactly explains the descent into wingnut madness that has become conservatism? I have no explanation for such insanity other than they absolutely hate our democracy when they're not in power and are willing to say anything to try to tear down Obama, even at the expense of our entire country. How despicable!
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