Monday, August 30, 2010

The Real Faces of the Glenn Beck "Restoring Honor" Rally

Here are the real faces of the Glenn Beck "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington, D.C. Of course, it's really all about Obama - not 'restoring honor' or whatever babble they hide behind. Notice the insane amount of ignorance and delusion. My comments on some quotes from the video are below in parenthesis.

"Take back America" (from Democrats)

"Communist" "Socialist" (victim of fear-mongering and lies)

"America is failing" (un-American BS)

"Bring country back together" (against Obama)

"Blacks don't own this day" (please ignore our attempt to hijack MLK's legacy)

"Beck didn't say Obama was racist or been disrespectful to the president" (ignorance or liars)

"Obama is a racist and elitist" (we watch only Faux News)

"His dad has a deep-seated hatred for white people" (and the son is somehow guilty of the sins of his father?)

"Obama is anti-progress and pride of America - will wilfully destroy country and divide us on issue of race." (Is she talking about Obama or Glenn Beck?)

"I agree with Birthers - he's Muslim at heart" (I believe lies)

"He doesn't have faith or believe in our country" (yet he ran for president)

"Current gov't will take away freedom of speech" (doesn't give one real example when pressed - only more lies ) "They just need to back off!" (You need to turn off Faux News!)

"Protect white cracker babies" (way to fear-monger about the big bad black president...)

"Slap in the face - mosque at ground zero - blah blah blah" (What part of 'restoring honor' includes tossing away our fundamental freedom of religion???)

"Islam is not a real religion blah blah blah" (stupid Islamaphobe)

"Muslims are sticking their thumbs in our eye" (2 1/2 blocks away from ground zero in an old coat store run by an Imam who worked with the Bush admin on counter-terrorism efforts... yeah right)

"Victory mosque" (only wingnuts call a community center that)

"I learned all i need to know about Islam on 9/11" (wow what a moron)

White people are just like Native Americans when it comes to today's illegal immigration. (Are Mexicans committing genocide and I didn't notice?)

"Immigrants are a health risk." (and they're dirty too!)

"Do like the old immigrants did." (be brought over as slaves)

"The come across the border just to have a baby" (way to repeat BS right-wing talking points)

(Love Ben Franklin on the cell phone! About as realistic as this rally's attempt to "restore honor.")

1 comment:

Anonymous said...