Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Recently someone included me on a mass email as follows:
Subject: FACTS
This is important to watch!
I felt compelled to respond to every address with a point-by-point rebuttal of this 'factual' video:

Seriously? Give me a break! Some of these "Facts" are true, but presented in a completely unfair way - most are outrageous LIES. I encourage everyone to get the real facts themselves and not rely on an obviously biased video such as this or even my own responses below. Do a little research yourself and you'll see this is nothing but a hit piece. If you really care about this country you'll focus on the real issues Americans are facing and not this total BS!

I support Barack Obama so here is a a point by point rebuttal of everything from this disgusting garbage of a video:

1. Obama has a Muslim name? Why is this a negative? Yes, his father was a Muslim. Obama has never been a Muslim and is, in fact, a committed Christian. He was raised by Christians. His father abandoned the family when Obama was very young and he was raised by his Mother and her parents who were Christians.

2. Obama is the most liberal senator? NOT TRUE! Maybe the National Journal should count ALL THE VOTES Obama has made, and not just a select few.

3. Obama attended a Muslim school? Why is this a negative? When he was a child Obama in Indonesia (a Muslim country) he did attend a public Muslim school. It was NOT a radical madrassa - or fundamentalist Islamic school - A lie that has been continually spread by the right. Did you have a choice what school you attended when you were six years old? I don't think so.

4. Vague voting record? Interesting that the person questioning Obama in that clip is John Edwards - who has since endorsed Senator Obama. The video did not include Obama's response...hmmm. This is all the proof they can come up with for Obama's "vague voting record" - a democratic debate? Where's the facts? What member of Congress doesn't have a vague voting record??? The same can be said about McCain!

5. Obama's Houston campaign office has a Che Guevara flag displayed. Guevara is described as a "Communist mass-murderer" - a biased opinion if I've ever heard one. Here's the Obama campaign's response (not included in the video): "This is a volunteer office that is not in any way controlled by the Obama campaign. We were disappointed to see this picture because it is both offensive to many Cuban-Americans -- and Americans of all backgrounds -- and because it does not reflect Senator Obama’s views. Barack Obama has been very clear in putting forward a Cuba policy that is based on one principle: freedom for the Cuban people." So Obama is responsible for every unofficial volunteer's actions? Come on...

6. Obama refuses to wear an American flag pin. NOT TRUE! Sometimes he wears one, sometimes he doesn't. That doesn't make you unpatriotic! - Here Obama says why: "You show your patriotism by how you treat your fellow Americans, especially those ones who served.' He suggested that some politicians who wear such pins act in disingenuous ways. 'After a while, you know, you start noticing people wearing a lapel pin, but not acting very patriotic, not voting to provide veterans with the resources that they need,' he said." Wearing a flag pin does not automatically prove you're patriotic. It is your actions that prove this, nothing more - and that is the point he's trying to make. Everything Obama has ever said or done shows he loves this country as much as any American!

7. Obama has refused to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem. NOT TRUE! Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't - so what? Obama said, "My grandfather taught me how to say the Pledge of Allegiance when I was 2...During the Pledge of Allegiance you put your hand over your heart. During the national anthem you sing." Oh, and Obama has voted to require the pledge of allegiance be recited in schools - that's a real fact! If he's so unpatriotic, why would he vote for that?

8. Obama has attended the United Trinity Church for over 20 years. Yes, so does that make Obama accountable for everything his Reverend has ever said? I don't think so. He recently left his church because of the controversial statements of Rev. Wright. and has always denounced those statements.

9. Obama's wife said she hasn't been proud of her country until Obama started leading the race. NOT TRUE! This is taken out of context. Michelle Obama has repeatedly said she meant she was proud of the huge turnout of voters in the primary elections. Another manufactured controversy that is perpetuated by the right.

10. Rev. Wright is Obama's 'spiritual mentor'. Obama has denounced Wright's controversial statements again and again and even left his church. Are you responsible for everything that's ever been said in your church? NO. The video they show from MSNBC is not Obama's final stance on this controversy. He doesn't agree with Wright's views and has said so, over and over. To think Obama agrees with Wright's negative views on America is ridiculous and nothing he has ever said or done supports this claim. The video goes into a bunch of nonsense about the "Black Liberation Theology." To believe Obama supports this is not only stupid, it's insane! Again, Wright is not Obama!

11. Obama will meet with terrorist leaders. NOT TRUE! I guess anyone the Bush admin doesn't like is a "terrorist leader"? They use a picture of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il - who the Bush administration themselves are removing from the "Axis of evil". The video is trying to claim that meeting with foreign leaders we disagree with face-to-face is bad. Why? Would you rather drop bombs first and talk later? People who claim diplomatic relations is a negative are fools. quote: "Obama is willing to meet with the leaders of all nations, friend and foe. He will do the careful preparation necessary, but will signal that America is ready to come to the table, and that he is willing to lead. And if America is willing to come to the table, the world will be more willing to rally behind American leadership to deal with challenges like terrorism, and Iran and North Korea's nuclear programs."

After watching this video a couple of times I realized - these right-wing nuts really don't have much to go on when trying to bring down the remarkable candidacy of Barack Obama so they go to negative insinuations and usually complete lies. I, for one, am fed up with this typical game of politics in Washington, and that's exactly why I'm going to vote for Obama.

Now, here's the only fact you really need to know.

FACT: A vote for McCain = 4 more years of Bush policies.
So, If you think everything has been great for our country over the past 8 years, vote for McCain. If not, Obama is the clear choice for change. It's as simple as that.

Sure, I got some idiotic responses, but I couldn't help myself - this kind of stuff gets me quite fired up - especially when people base their opinions on obvious propaganda.

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